Trigone is a mixed public association created in 2001. It brings together local authorities and public establishments such as the Conseil Départemental du Gers, local authorities and the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne.
Trigone has three main areas of expertise :
- The treatment of household waste of the inhabitants of the Gers
- Production and distribution of drinking water
- Collective and non-collective sanitation
As part of the maintenance of the installations guaranteeing the production of drinking water, Trigone had to replace the warning station monitoring the river ARROS. The equipment installed was obsolete and no longer worked. Trigone needed a UV254 absorbance measurement capability in order to quantify the Total Organic Carbon content of the water supplied to the drinking water station by correlation.
However, the warning station that they had to replace must not only warn in case of pollution, but also follow the evolution of the water quality of the river. This evolution is essentially linked to the weather (leaching = turbidity) and seasonally (organic load, T°, dissolved O2, redox) or to the origin of the water (snowmelt, support for low water levels in hills, etc.: conductivity).
Trigone got to know Aqualabo during the Carrefour de l’Eau trade fair in Rennes in January 2020. The initial warning station (Aquapod from HOCER) already had functional physico-chemical measurement probes from Ponsel (turbidity, conductivity, pH) but they had to remplace th UV absorbance measurement part. At their request, we equipped them with an ACTEON 5000 transmitter accompanied by a STACSENSE probe (for UV254 and TOC measurement) and an S200 transmitter with a 4020 module, a junction box for connecting four sensors to the S200: NTU sensor, C4E sensor, PHEHT sensor and OPTOD sensor.
To learn more about this project