Discover our Aquaconnect wireless LoRaWAN communication solution for digital sensors!
Our Aqua Connect’ solution allows you to monitor in real time the measurements taken by Ponsel’s Digisens digital sensors on the following parameters: Temperature, Oxygen, pH, Conductivity, Salinity, ORP, Turbidity, TSS, Sludge blanket. Each sensor is connected to a stand-alone wireless “AquaMod‘” module which records the data from the digital sensor. The measurements are given to an “AquaGat'” Gateway, via an independent LoRaWan local network.
The collected data is then pushed to a secure Cloud server allowing the visualisation of the measurements as well as the transfer in csv format. Local web application accessible via wifi from any browser (chrome, Firefox, etc.) for sensor calibration. For the configuration of the acquisition frequency, alert settings, visualisation etc. smartphone, pc, tablet application
Monitoring your data in real time has never been so easy!