We have sent our AquaMod solution, a standalone module connected to Radio LoRa and coupled to digital sensors, to Mauritius. The main goal is to continuously monitor the water quality following the sinking of the oil tanker Wakashio in July 2020.

In order to enable government agencies and marine scientists to access continuous data on key water quality parameters, a LoRaWAN® solution for the Internet of Things (IoT) solution has been designed and deployed in Mauritius.

Furthermore, Digital Twin Services (DTS), a Mauritian technology solutions provider specialized in Industry 4.0 solutions, has designed and installed the monitoring system, a proof of concept retained as part of the government-funded Blue Resilience innovation program. DTS is integrating products from two French IoT companies, Aqualabo – a designer, manufacturer, and supplier of a wide range of water analysis and testing devices and instruments – and Kerlink (AKLK – FR0013156007) – a specialist in solutions dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT).

Then, the pilot monitoring installation uses several stand-alone communicating modules from Aqualabo’s
AquaMod range, digital sensors consisting of a stand-alone LoRaWAN® wireless waterproof module and
an antenna, such as:
OPTOD Titanium, for measuring Dissolved Oxygen and temperature,
NTU sensor, for measuring Turbidity,
C4E sensor for measuring Conductivity and Salinity,
PHEHT sensor for measuring pH,
EHAN sensor for measuring Redox potential,
▪ A HYDROCLEAN system for automatic cleaning of systems for the Oxygen and Turbidity sensors along
the coral reefs.

To learn more download our case study here.


Specialists on analytical water quality monitoring sensors. Manufacturing the best sensors for more that 40 years.